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Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed


Kearney Office

2908 W 39th Street
Suite A
Kearney, NE 68845

Lincoln Office

151 North 8th Street
Suite 340
Lincoln, NE 68508

Join Our Team

Careers / Openings / Internships

Wilkins ADP is always looking for talendted individuals to join our team, even if we have no job postings. If interested please submit a portfolio and resume to:

Job Postings

Rachel Goodbrake

Interior Designer

With 5 years of experience working at Wilkins ADP in the past, Rachel rejoined our team in 2020. The entire team values Rachel’s helpful approach toward communication and organization, and her expertise on furniture and spatial planning. She demonstrates impressive flexibility and a constant positive attitude, which makes her a highly admired part of the team.

Rachel Goodbrake

Important Fact:

Considering herself a "hermit robot", Rachel is an extreme introvert at heart. Ironically she has a large family and works in a setting that requires constant social interaction and collaboration. Hermit robot or not, you will find that Rachel can never fail to make someone smile.

Important Fact:

Considering herself a "hermit robot", Rachel is an extreme introvert at heart. Ironically she has a large family and works in a setting that requires constant social interaction and collaboration. Hermit robot or not, you will find that Rachel can never fail to make someone smile.

Kearney Office
2908 W 39th Street, Suite A
Kearney, NE 68845
Lincoln Office
151 North 8th Street, Suite 340
Lincoln, NE 68508